Hand Painted Model of Jerusalem Second

Model of King Solomon's Second Temple Jerusalem built 514
BCE destroyed 70 CE in the Jewish revolt against Rome.
This Hand Painted Model is based on the dimensions of
King Solomon's Temple discussed in the Talmud and
the focal point of the Temple Mount was a central courtyard
containing the structure of the Beis Hamikdosh.
The Model depicts, in amazing detail, the Main Hall of
the Temple (the Hechal) which also contained the Holy of the
the outer Altar and Inner Sanctuary. The Outer Alter area
was where the incense and sacrifices were brought up
by the Kohanim (Priests).
The Ark of the Covenant (which contained the tablets with
the Ten Commandments)were in the large building in the
called The Holy of Holies, as its name implies, it was the
most sacred part of the entire Temple.
Entry was forbidden except on Yom Kippur when the High
Priest entered the inner sanctuary.